Alison Stanton

Intuitive Healer


Alison Stanton Intuitive Healer

Services Offered


  • End of Life
  • Medial Intuition
  • Mediumship
  • Behavior Issues
  • Mentorship for Animal Communicators
  • Dog Boarding, Daycare 
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  • Intuitive Reading/Healing
  • Mediumship
  • Medical Intuition
  • Trans Mediumship Reading/Healing
  • For Children 

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Welcome to Boulder Pet Psychic!


I am Alison Stanton, a clairvoyant reader and an energy healer for animals and people.

With Animal Communications my goal is to improve the relationship between animals and humans by increasing their communication.

A one hour session over the phone or in person can answer so many questions about health, behavior or end of life decisions.

I am astounded every time I do an animal reading by what I learn. There is a lot going on in the animal world, some has nothing to do with humans but a lot is how they are working with us. We evolve in relationship with animals. Hearing what they have to say about the universe is enormously valuable.

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